Archive for June 18, 2006

Happy Father’s Day

Posted in Family on June 18, 2006 by The Blonde

I want to wish all the father's out there a very happy Father's Day.

Most of all I want wish my husband a happy Father's Day.  I am so glad I have you in my life and I am glad that you are the Father that you are to my girls.  Your a wonderful Dad and husband.  Thanks for being there.  I love you very much.

I want to wish my father-in-law Joe a happy Father's Day.  I wish you could be here with us today.  I miss you very much and hope to see you again soon.

And last but not least, I want to wish my own Dad a happy Father's Day.  I love you so much Dad and I am so glad you are my Dad.  Your a wonderful person and an even better Dad.  Your a very special person.  🙂

There is one more person that I would like to wish a happy Father's Day to.  Happy Father's Day John.  I hope your having a good one, you deserve it.  Thanks for being such a great friend to Mark and myself.


Day After Moving Day

Posted in Family on June 18, 2006 by The Blonde

OMG!!  Yesterday was way worse then I had anticipated.  It was a giant CLUSTER F*** from HELL!!  Our moving muscle tried to back out at the last minute, and I do mean the last minute.  I got the U-Haul there, Sara and I are hauling stuff down to it, nothing can be loaded until the couch and love seat are loaded, and where is my son-in-law and his two brothers to load them, NOT WHERE THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO BE!  So let me tell ya Mom was getting pissed, but I kept my cool the whole time.  Not one time did I loose my temper.  So the guys finally get there about 3.5 hours later then they were suppose to, and they sit there for 45 minutes trying to decide how to load the truck, didn't seem like a you needed a genius to me to figure that out.  I'm not going to go into details about all the other shit that went wrong, I would be here all day.  We finally get back home to Sara's new apartment and the calvary was there.  My parents showed up with my uncle and the husband and my other daughter showed up and we got things unloaded very quickly.  And then out of the mouths of babe, my beautiful daughters say "What are we going to cook for dinner?"  And that means, "What's Mom going to cook for dinner?"  My response was "I aint cookin shit."  So then of course they look at their Dad and say "what are you going to BBQ?"  Gotta love those girls.  So we ended up having a full course meal, at 8:00 at night, and I done the dishes as usual, still not loosing my temper, and they ended up staying until 9:00.  And today I am so sore I can hardly move.  Thanks to the husband I got a wonderful foot rub last night, thanks baby.

So if any of our kids ask me anytime in the near future to help move, I am headin' out of town for awhile.  Going to Canada or something.

Thanks Doc, for the obviously good counselling.  Kept my temper in check all day long, even when my son-in-law took our part of the awning at Sara's old apartment with the U-Haul.

I love our kids, but they are wearing me out. 🙂